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Old 01-15-2005, 05:15 PM
ezinestein ezinestein is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 75
Default Re: Can we really have it only ONE way?


I don't recall mentioning 'being due'. Nor 'Karma'. Nor a 'system'. These are things you are offering.

My questions were about the math. The rest is being added by you. And don't get me wrong... you are allowed to distort it as completely as you like. Certainly exploring the math can't be a silly thing right?

Perhaps once a person's understanding is Absolutely Complete... such as yourself... then there is no need for further questioning.

Trying to shut down my questioning may serve you somehow... but it certainly doesn't serve me.

Your post somewhat reminds me of the “Charles H. Duell Myth”.

Rumor has it...

That Charles H. Duell, U.S. Commissioner of Patents, in 1899, resigned and recommended that the Patent Office be closed because he thought that everything that could possibly be invented had already been invented!

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