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Old 01-15-2005, 02:22 PM
Kirkrrr Kirkrrr is offline
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Location: Camp Pendleton, CA
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Default Re: What\'s the standard fee for teaching poker?

Thanks to all of you who replied with your thoughts. However, I would like to re-emphasize the part where I said "...since what you get for free you rarely value." Him paying me isn't about our friendship, nor is it based on "trading," since outside of our poker arrangement anything mine is his and vice versa. On top of that, the beauty of poker is that once learned, it can feed you (or at least provide very decent spending money as it's doing for me here) for the rest of your life, so it's a good investment.

Anyhow, the structure we finally settled on is that he agreed to fork over 20% of his winnings, calculated bi-weekly. That gives me a huge incentive to teach him well, without forcing him to pay anything unless my lessons are obviously working. I thought that was fair. Thoughts?

Kirk R.
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