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Old 01-15-2005, 01:41 PM
DonkeyKong DonkeyKong is offline
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Default Standard \'Please Hear Me Out & Help Me\' Post. Please.

Hello Small Stakers,

Here is my situation. I played Hold Em a little many years ago but started playing consistently (online) a year ago. I had read a book or two back in the day and then read HPFAP. Although it didn't really sink in until about the 3rd or 4th time I read it last summer. I have also read SSH, TPFAP, TOP, SS, Poker Essays 2 by Mason and most of 2 Ciaffone books...

I have thought about the math/probability a lot over the last year and feel I have a very good grasp of the fundamentals at this point.

My plan was to take my time and build my bankroll as I learned through reading how deceptively complex Hold Em is and I trusted this advice.

So I stated playing 1/2, quickly moved to 2/4 and steadily built my bankroll up -- consistently winning.

Then I moved to 3/6 and could not win. I started to drain my bankroll and stopped for a bit and re-read my materials and went over my notes. I decided to try playing 300 hand sessions. I would try to play as error-free as possible for 300 hands and then take a break. I would keep a running tally of when I thought I made a mistake and review the hand to figure out if a bet/call/fold was indeed justified.

But same result: when I won, I would win maybe $80-100 and when I lost I would lose $100-180... Losing sessions outnumbered winning sessions so I was getting beat up.

I stopped playing limit and played NL tourneys. I ran my bankroll up quickly doing this. I had high ROI playing $30 and $50 SNG's and 2 and 3-table tourneys on Party.

Then I just felt like I wanted to beat 3/6 so I could continue on my poker journey. I started playing 3/6 limit again and just can't win. I feel like I have been on a terrible bad-beat-a-thon that never ends. I make a flush, someone re-draws to a full house on river. I make a set, someone makes a straight. I make 2 pair, somebody makes a set. Lately, its the 3-outer river card that has killed me (ie, holding AK vs AQ -- Ace flops, Q river)...

Now I know enough to realize that the math is supposed to come full circle but at this point, I must confront the possibility that there are significant leaks in my game.

Q. You ask how many hands I have played at 3/6?
A. ~9000 over the last 6 weeks

So, I feel like the light went on a while ago regarding understanding the game yet I can't beat 3/6. WTF?

Comments very much appreciated... I know what the standard response is: 'go back to NL tourneys.' Well, I am now obsessed with beating Limit. It is a personal competitive thing at this point. I have for now dropped back down to 2/4 to build my bankroll back but I am looking for a few pearls to help me.

FWIW, I do not own pokertracker. I know this will be a standard response too. So say I will get pokertracker.

I guess my real question is, how many hands before you feel like there is a leak in your game and you are not just on a bad downswing?
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