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Old 01-15-2005, 07:09 AM
Insty Insty is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 121
Default Re: Semi-bluff questions

I'm not sure what your question is.

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I guess I'm looking for a critique of my reasoning on these. Given the four circumstances (early/late position vs. 1-2/3 or more players), when would you semi-bluff?

Also, how high does your top flush draw card need to be to try a semi-bluff? A only? K? Lower?

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At the Party 10+1's I never try to semi-bluff as you will just get called by at least one person who will catch something on the river.


On the button (or even next-to-last to act?):

- With 1-2 other players
- With 3+ other players

My current opinion: This seems very stack dependent. If stacks are even, and the pot is very small (1/10 of stacks or less), a semi-bluff might simply invite a check raise or a reraise (depending on what's happened on the flop before it gets to me). If the pot is bigger (1/3-1/2 of stacks), is an all-in the better play, instead of a pot-sized bet? What if you're outstacked by 2 to 1? Even more outstacked than that?

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What has happend on the flop before it gets to you is a very important consideration. And there are many books on the topic. The problem seems to be that the questions you are asking require writing another one to answer.

My general feeling is: 'It depends'

Never try to bluff someone with a stack twice as big as yours - they'll call you for fun.
Anyone who check raises you either has a good hand or is on to your bluff.
If I am playing 3+ other players it is more likely one of them has something.
If I'm drawing I want to get my card as cheaply as possible.
Make sure you are getting appropriate pot odds.

Then agian I don't play many drawing hands.
Make sure you are not bleeding chips by doing this.


Also, an option that I don't like is calling a big raise on the flop. I tried this the other day, called another big bet on the turn, and ended up losing 1/3 of my stack. I think reraising on the flop the amount I ended up calling on the turn would have been much better (they only need to fold 30% of the time to make it worthwhile, I think)

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Did you loose at showdown, or did you chicken out on the river?
If you are going to bluff you have to be sure your opponent will lay down the hand.
Make sure you are playing your bluff hands the same way you play your made hands, otherwise you'll find everyone works out what you are doing in no time.

The most important rule I think is "Don't do it too often." otherwise you lose all credibilty and people will start calling down your made hands and outdrawing you.
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