Thread: Craps
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Old 01-14-2005, 11:12 PM
eobmtns eobmtns is offline
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Default Re: Craps

Mr. Sklansky and others will disagree with me -- they call it a negative expectation game, which it is -- but I have played predominantly craps for 15 years and I don't regret a minute of it. I have had lots of fun. I have been very lucky this year, 3 times in the last month I have run $500 up to $10000 within the space of about an hour. You can gain a positive expectation by studying poker or blackjack, but IMHO the tens of $ per hour you will eke out is like watching grass grow. Craps is also a more social game, where players yell and cheer for one another. Play only the pass line and come with full odds, in Vegas with 3x-4x-5x odds the house edge is but 0.342%. In AC with 5X the house edge is 0.326%. Press your bets when you perceive the dice are hot, and reduce to a minimum when you perceive the dice are cold. For more, you could read "How to Win" by Mike Goodman.
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