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Old 01-14-2005, 06:11 PM
Cpt Spaulding Cpt Spaulding is offline
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 69
Default Re: Huh?

It is called a "dance". Give a little, get a little then a little more. Baby steps with the eye on the big picture.

Call them the axis of evil they will do everything they can to defend themselves from the underlying threat of attack. A little smile, a little kiss, a glass of wine, a nice meal and then a nice healthy marriage.

[/ QUOTE ]

I understand the catch more bees with honey theory. One flaw with that though...The bee might sting you when you least expect it. We have helped people in the past only for them to turn on us. We are forcing way of life on these people and no matter how nicely we dance our system will not take. Think about how you would feel if some country invaded us and tried to install a monarchy. We would not lay down and take it up the ass. I agree these people need help, but we should feed them with a stick for awhile....
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