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Old 01-14-2005, 03:12 AM
SA125 SA125 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 171
Default Re: Borgata 20-40 Hand

"I think you need to bet the flop so that people with gutshots and backdoor flush draws dont get the odds to take one off"

This would be a good point in an unraised pot and if the fl was backdoor. But this is a raised pot and 2 spades flopped.... "The button raises and both blinds come along- 6 players for 2 bets each.".... There's 12 SB's in the pot. The odds are there to call 1 SB.

"You should only checkraise the flop if you can expect the button to 3 bet and clear the field for you. I think its right to checkraise with a draw there to build the pot.."

I agree that a big fl draw should c/r the flop, but disagree about the other part. There's 2 spades out and both draws have the odds to call 1 SB, so if I have the lead with a set and still have 9 possible river outs if the turn draws out on me, they'll pay double to draw and I'm still in play when they hit the turn.
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