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Old 01-14-2005, 02:32 AM
Boopotts Boopotts is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 71
Default One other thing..

This show would have been 10x better if these three kids had been busted by the Matador in a straight-up honest game, and were now looking to 'take him down' (whatever that means) because they were embarrassed they lost. Instead we get this cheating crap, which so far as I can tell adds nothing meaningful to the story.

Also, kudos to you for calling out the scene with the 12 yr. old girl. Going all in for 7 grand with the second nut on a straightened out board? I don't think so.

We also need to mention that obscenely lame scene where the lead character 'sees' the set of 6's that his opponent's holding.

Jesus Christ-- thinking about it now somehow makes it even worse. I mean, it was bad at the time, but in retrospect I don't think I really appreciated how terrible it was.
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