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Old 01-14-2005, 02:28 AM
Boopotts Boopotts is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 71
Default Re: Unofficial Tilt review post...anyone else have a problem with...

This show was pre-destined to suck. Anyone who's gotten a feel for ESPN's scripted progamming had to know this show had no chance at all. Still, I agree that it was worse than I thought it would be.

What a joke. High limit players looking for vengeance, Biff and Buffy flitting around town with loads of poker-playin' talent and five figure bankrolls---puleeeze. If someone wanted to make a decent poker show, it should be a) low budget, b) center around the action in an illegal card room, and c) spend a little time exploring the debilitating effects of gambling on the gambler's family and friends. Sorry, but you can't have a show like this without showing the ramifications of this kind of lifestyle-- no way. It just isn't honest. When I was playing full time in the social clubs in Denver I knew all kinds of guys who lost EVERYTHING-- their jobs, their cars, their families-- just because they couldn't stay away from the flop. Pretending that this dynamic doesn't exist results in an imcomplete illustration of the gambling lifestyle.
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