Thread: Craps
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Old 01-13-2005, 07:01 PM
Abagadro Abagadro is offline
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Default Re: Craps

If some of the vocabulary in here is unfamiliar, ask and I can explain, but I will answer this like you at least know the types of bets available:

Short answer is pass line bet with max odds followed by come bets with max odds (which acts just like another pass line bet as if the roll was a come-out). Odds bets are paid at true odds and taking the max lessens the house advantage to make up for the even money "under" bet on the pass and come. The more you put on the odds, the lower the house advantage (but also the higher your variance as you can put a lot of money out there). If you can find a game that has 10x or 20x odds, these are the best games. Most of the big places in vegas have gone to a 5x/4x/3x (5x on 6/8, 4x on 5/9, 3x on 4/10) which is why I have stopped playing craps at these places.

Stay away from the field and the center bets (like hardways, yos and horn bets) as these are horrible even though very popular. It is tempting when you see people hiting those 8-1 hardways, but they are really bad bets. Place bets on 6/8 aren't too bad, but place bets on 5/9/4/10 aren't that good.

If you do max odds on pass and come bets only the house advantage will be (from The New Gamblers Bible):

single odds: .85
double odds: .61
triple odds: .47
five times: .32
ten times: .18

A .18 house advantage is a pretty good game to play even though you will still be at a negative advantage.
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