Thread: $20 SnG's
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Old 01-12-2005, 03:21 AM
Irieguy Irieguy is offline
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Default Re: $20 SnG\'s


Thanks for the slam... but I have to disagree.

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I posted before I saw your reply, so I hope you understand that it wasn't a personal attack. I also hope that you can appreciate the fact that sometimes I try to be funny.

I undoubtedly do better at 20s than 10s or 5s though.

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Interesting that you have no doubt at all. I am equally sure that your skewed results are just noise.


Many poker players find themselves doing more poorly against weak competition than against other good players.

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This is nonsense. Oft-stated nonsense, but nonsense nonetheless. Zero-sum game theory makes this impossible, and I have explained this at length in prior posts if you are interested.

Feel free to immediately ignore all of my worthless posts in the future though, I will sleep fine at night.

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Again, not a personal attack. If I had seen your post first, I would have made a different joke. But I think it's more important to offer sound direction than to spare somebody's feelings through acquiession. (I don't think that's a real word.)

You are really wrong. I promise.

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