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Old 01-11-2005, 06:49 PM
Felix_Nietsche Felix_Nietsche is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 208
Default Arrogance?

I plead guilty.....
I'm past the point of whether nations like or dislike the USA. It is nice to find other nations who like the USA but I do not stake the success of the USA on how many countries like us. Most of the animosity seems to come from the foreign policy of the USA. Specifically: Israel and Iraq.

With regard to Israel, it is more moral to support a civilized society than a society that believes killing civilians in justified. Easy choice... The Palestinains had a country in 1948 but they invaded Israel and lost their country... Boo Hoo Hoo... Then their Palestinian "allies" chose to keep a good chunk of Palestian terrority for themselves. But these peace-loving people attack Israel again and lost that land as well....

With regard to Iraq, they(Iraq) violated the cease fire and the USA was justifed to attack on this reason alone. Treaties are useless if one side will not abide by the conditions. As a bonus, we took out a dictator who financial supported terrorism and who I SUSPECT had loose ties to al-qaida at the minimum..... The crime was waiting over a decade to enforce the cease fire....

I've been to hockey games where the US fans boo'd the Canadien national anthem and I was embarassed. I think the Canadien anthem is one of the better national anthems and I use to know all the words (to the 1st verse only)...

Most of the world seems to think the UN should make all international decisions and when the US decides to go a different way, ill will is created. For those who bow at the UN alter, it may be a surprie that the USA is a sovereign nation govern by US laws. With the exception of treaties, the UN nor any other nation has a right to tell the US what they should do.
If this makes Americans "arrogant", then I plead guilty...
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