Thread: Envelopes!
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Old 10-01-2002, 10:39 AM
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Default Re: Envelopes!

The best strategy for the envelope stuffer:

- Tell the picker that you will put $333 in one envelope and $666 in the other if he agrees to split the money with you ($200 / $466). If he doesn't agree, you'll put $1 and $2 in.

- If he agrees to split, hoorah! That's a guaranteed $200 instead of a 50/50 $100. The picker also gets more money this way, since it's pretty obvious that if you were playing 'correctly' you would never put more than $332 in the larger envelope.

- If he doesn't agree to split the money, actually put $2 and $4 in the envelopes...that way if he chooses the $2 envelope, he'll stay (netting you $100), plus if he chooses the $4 envelope he might switch just because you double-crossed him and he's confused / out-thinking himself.

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