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Old 01-07-2005, 07:00 AM
Jonny1723 Jonny1723 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 17
Default Help for a Newbie (ish) please ?


I currently play on Prima .25/.50, having successfully moved up from .05/.10 and .10/.20.
I follow the strategy set out in Lee Jones' WLLH book, and it has served me very well thus far.

However, I am becoming increasingly frustrated with how things are going at the moment.

It seems there is no end to the chasers willing to see the river with anything despite raises/reraises on every street.
It is therefore inevitable that there are going to be suckouts.

However, I can see no end to the chasing, as it appears to be getting rewarded.

Now I know that "in the long run", these are the people you want at your table, and you will take money of them etc, but I can't see an end to the short term.

Some Examples last night were :

A set of Aces beaten by a 5 high straight on the river (villian had 23o) - This post was capped PF.
Twice a flopped nut straight beaten when 3rd flush card came on the river. (once villian had 26s, the other time the villian had Q3s)
Ace Flush beaten by Full House 4s full of 2s (again, this was capped PF)
Twice KK beaten by unlikely two pair on a board of undercards with no draws (once villian had 24o, once villian had J6o)

Obviously these were just my big losing hands - I'm sure others had similar.

By the same token, I'm sure others were benefactors of these "chasers".
Personally I wasn't last night (although no doubt I will on other nights, so reckon I was just running cold last night)

What I'd like to know from the experts on here is :

1) How do you manage to stay so patient whilst going through a run like this.

2) Is there any way to protect your good hands ? (I raise and reraise where necessary, but people still seem to stay in with Trash. Even if I check raise, people will still call 2 cold)

3) I'm assuming I shouldn't loosen up my play to compete with the chasers, but is there anything I should do ? (I actually tightened up last night, without any joy)

4) If you do tighten up your play, and are still "running cold" (Either not getting the hands, or worse still, getting good hands but seeing them cracked), What should you do ?

5) At what limits do the "chasers" disappear (not completely as I realise there will always be some, but 6-7 to a table is too many IMO)

I appreciate any advice you can offer on the above, as I feel I am getting nowhere, yet am fully confident in my ability to succeed at this level playing the way I do.

Thanks in advance

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