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Old 01-06-2005, 06:53 AM
RPMick RPMick is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Japan
Posts: 45
Default Getting a new game together. Suggestions?

I just moved and left behind a regular 15-20 person home game. So far (1 week BTW) at the new place I've found a regular home game that rotates around from house to house over here.

Problem is this. I'm used to a minimum 3/6 cash game or 1/2 NL and a 40$ tourney buyin and here they only play a .50/1 limit cash game.

What's the best avenue to take in order to persuade these guys to bump the limits? Gradually suggest increases? Host a game at my place (when everything arrives) and announce the higher limits in advance? Taking a chance at deterring some of them. Loan out some books or DVD's to start inspiring competitve play?

I'm in Japan and the only TV poker we get is a Sunday morning hour of torture with Celebrity Poker.

Any ideas?

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