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Old 01-05-2005, 01:48 PM
WSOPWinner2005 WSOPWinner2005 is offline
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Join Date: May 2004
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Default Re: Alcohol, been sober for 10 monthes ok to drink in moderation?

I dont know if im an alcoholic, I've quit for 2 and 4 monthes at a time in the past, and then started up again. This 10 month stretch has been the longest sober time. My life has been dull, boring, and feeling down lately. Maybey a drink or 2 will make me feel better during the day, and maybey increase my life expectency. I noticed in the past one or 2 drinks doesnt hurt my poker game much, it might improve it, it might make me feel better in general during the day, it might improve my life, but I dont want it to get out of hand again. This is a serious post, and thanks for the responses.

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I am going on 27 now, although I have an addictive personality I see alot of myself in your comments. From 14-20 or so I had no problems and used purely recreationally.. Whatever was around mostly alchohol and weed.

When I turned 20 I noticed I would go on "binges" such as waking up in the morning hungover and still start planning the next night of drinking (that night) because the night before was the most fun I had in a while.. Repeating the process for days in a row.

I quit for a few months and every time it got worse. And I do mean EVERY TIME. This last round I went over a year and never went more than a few days without a 12 pack I can think of. January 1st was my first day of sobriety this time around and I plan on sticking to it.

Trust me on this much, it will keep getting worse as you sound like you are in the exact situation I was in. The last few days have been funeral related family events (and my family DRINKS) with kegs at everyone and even the 17/18 year olds drinking, you can imagine how tough that was.

Last night I had my first SERIOUS spurt of DT, and trust me it was not fun. I barely slept at all last night.

Do yourself a favor, don't even take so much as a sip again until you have at least undergone counseling for this and make sure you are not an alchoholic.

I too, always said "I can have just a couple drinks tonight" or "I'll just drink TONIGHT not tomorrow". Want to take a wild guess at how many times I was right?
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