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Old 01-04-2005, 10:57 PM
lastchance lastchance is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 766
Default Re: Tsunami Aid Wars - US vs. Japan

I'm guessing about 400,000 people are going to die because of this Tsunami.

1,000 victims of a natural causes would outweigh one murder victim, would it not?

Yeah, 9/11 was big, but hundreds of thousands of people are going to die because of this. Only 4,000 people died because of 9/11.

A little kid isn't going to care whether their mommy and daddy died because of terrorists or because of a tsunami.

What I'm trying to say is that we can and should do something about this. 4,000,000 people does cause a pretty big dent, y'know.
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