Thread: overplayed 44?
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Old 09-18-2002, 04:56 PM
jai jai is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: San Narciso, CA
Posts: 31
Default Re: overplayed 44?

You are right about not wanting to get into a raising war. But you said:

"The best way to play this hand is call the preflop raise, check/call his flop bet and fold to a turn bet when you miss your set."

That is quite passive and exploitable. If I were the button and you were on the BB, I would raise your blind everytime and bet the flop and turn until you figured out what was going on.

As to what a "normal" button would bet with against someone who has shown no strength that does not beat 44: Ax, Qx, x3. A checkraise on the flop would define where you stand much better.
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