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Old 01-03-2005, 06:35 PM
ezinestein ezinestein is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 75
Default Anyone know this??? (random shuffle???)


Does anyone know the answer to this...

If I'm sitting at a Party table and let's say I fold my JT hearts preflop (in middle position) to a raise...

and then the flop comes up something great like KQ9 hearts...

How does the shuffle work?

If I would have stayed in... would the cards have been different? Is the shuffle determined second by second... or are the cards shuffled once before all betting?

Meaning... whatever you see on the board once you fold... would have been the cards you would have seen had you stayed in?

I know that was confusing. I hope someone understands what I'm asking.

As usual... thanks for any help or comments offered.

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