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Old 01-02-2005, 07:17 PM
gummy d gummy d is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 112
Default Re: Why do you guys think the country is so divided?

When you say the end is coming to these types of regimes (N. Korea, Cuba, Iran, etc..), you are essentially saying the types of regimes that resist U.S. hegemony. They either refuse to cooperate in the U.S. neo-liberal economic bug or worse defend themselves by adopting nuclear arms programs as in the case of N. Korea. Clearly N. Korea's arms program has deterred the U.S.; Iraq's lack of an arms program (which we effectively destroyed) allowed us to make quick work of the takeover. Stabilization may take forever.
We do not pick fights we aren't assured of winning and we do not invade countries such as Iraq for humanitarian reasons. We do it for the oil and the critical leverage it provides in the world economy. Most conservatives would not agree with this.
Do you?
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