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Old 12-30-2004, 07:42 AM
johnnybeef johnnybeef is offline
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Default Re: Play Like Chan (new book)

honestly, it looks pretty terrible. i mean, wtf is he saying on page 189? sometimes i bluff. sometimes i leave him enough chips so that if he hits his draw i can fold...unless i have a hand, then i will call him down. if he has a draw, he will just call. if we both have draws i can either put him all in or check behind.

[/ QUOTE ]


I disagree; anytime you can look at a situation through a different person's eyes there is an opportunity to learn a great deal. While this book (and hellmuth's book(S)) may not be full of the sound theory that a 2+2 book would contain, there is still something to be learned from it.....I guarantee it. On a closing note I hate to sound cliché but

"The mind is like a works best when open"

p.s. if I get any BS replies with someone listing their poker resume to me to imply that they are a "great" players, I say this...the way that extremely successful people become so is by constantly reevaluating themselves and applying new concepts to their expertise...

p.p.s. If this doesn't make sense I will edit it tomorrow as my friends and I have been celebrating (and mourning) the buckeyes' win (and loss) all night

Everyone have a safe and happy new year full of preferably high suited or paired cards!!!!

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