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Old 12-26-2004, 12:12 AM
Lawrence Ng Lawrence Ng is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Vancouver BC
Posts: 78
Default Re: Do I suck??? (50K hands at 1/2 with 1BB/100)

You have a problem here where you are too focussed on results and are trying to obtain that golden perfect statistic. So what if you are dropping only to about 18.5 VPIP. If you are folding all your AK, but raising your J-8 offsuit, your VPIP could still be in the 18.5 range.

Instead of focussing on what your stats should be, focus on whether or not you made the right decisions with your hands during play. Go back into Pokertracker and phase out your hands by playing them again to see if/what you could have done differently. Doing so will help you improve your game far more than just focussing on your numbers.

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