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Old 12-24-2004, 02:20 PM
Ponks Ponks is offline
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 36
Default Re: Ponks the calling station

I'm not afraid to semi-bluff raise usually, but against this opponent I dont think it would work that often. He's loose overall, but tight in his raising, so there's a good chance he has a pocket pair he's going to call down with. If he's a good player the 7 looks pretty suspicious and is a good bluff card too. I think most players would rationalize, atleast if he's paying attention, that I would have given action on the flop if I had a 7 or any pair pretty much.

Also if I semi-bluffed raised, I have to bet the river right? I'm usually not that good at deciding when to fire that last barrel.

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