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Old 12-22-2004, 07:00 PM
ClaytonN ClaytonN is offline
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Default Thoughts on the series \"TILT\"

A lot of it seems to be surrounding around a "Hotshot" young gun player who looks like he should be in a Calvin Klein ad as well as a seasoned pro named "The Matador".

I gotta hope the producers did their homework with the show, because I'm picking up stuff that doesn't belong already from the previews.

1) Norman Chad interviewing the Matador with spectators behind them. Though Norman Chad interviewed the players in the ESPN TOC, something just seems funny in Norman Chad being a player in the series

2) This supposed "cash" game where the young guns try to take on the Matador. First, there's a lot of spectators in this cash game. I mean, a lot. Is that normal?

3) Also, it seems like the cash game is no-limit, given the excitement it brings to TV viewers as well as the line a crusty veteran gives the young gun before he faces the matador. Something to the extent of, "If you're gonna hang with the matador, you gotta get out of the kiddie pool". We all know the big cash game players stick to limit mixed games.

4) One of the young guns literally leaps, practically dives, into a player across the table during a cash game. The only time I've seen something that dramatic, it was on a casino surveillance cam involving casino officers jumping ona a cheater. More needless drama?

Maybe I'm looking too much into this, but I'm getting the notion that "TILT" is going to give poker overall the same treatment that football got with "Playmakers", i.e. too much over-the-top dramatic crap that gives poker a bad name. But maybe not, I dunno. I'm watching the first episode, which I guess was the goal of the producers anyways.

Before I end the post, I'm wondering: if the series starts off as drama-filled as playmakers, are you gonna keep watching for the sheer entertainment value?
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