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Old 09-06-2002, 08:12 AM
mdlm mdlm is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 187
Default Newbie: One comment and question about hand that opp has


Interesting hand.

My newbie comment: He called on flop instead of raising. This means he doesn't have trip Jacks. The fact that he doesn't have trip Jacks and your play is consistent with having trip Jacks is why Dynasty asked why you didn't raise on the turn -- I think.
Since you didn't raise on the turn, you are representing that you don't have trip Jacks. Unless you have 99, you are beat. You have a 100% drawing hand and although you have a massive number of outs, it's not enough to win the pot 45%-50% of the time. Your turn call is negative EV. You need to raise and hope he folds. Another way of thinking of this is that your flop raise is a semi-bluff and you need to keep your bluffing signals consistent.

I'm curious to know what hands you put him on. Here are my guesses:
Preflop: AA-TT, AKs, AQs, KQs, AK
Flop: AA, KK (his call of your raise knocks out lots of marginal hands. Do you agree?)
Turn: AA, KK
River: AA, KK (probably AA)

How do these compare to yours? What holes are there in my thinking?
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