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Old 12-21-2004, 06:58 AM
Usul Usul is offline
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Default Interesting question for football fans

Myself, my brother and several of my friends were discussing some very interesting questions regarding NFL players the other night during the Baltimore/NE game (BTW, FU Matt Stover), and seeing as it generated some very heated, very interesting debate I thought I would pose these questions to the minds at OOT.

There are three questions total, but the one that started the debate is the first one, which obviously lead to the next two. The questions are as follows:

1) If you could clone one NFL player to play every position on offense, defense and special teams, who would you pick?

2) If you could pick TWO different NFL players to clone and play them at all positions on offense, defense and special teams, who would you pick? (you can use these two players in any combination, i.e if you picked an big strong guy and a small fast guy you could put the big guy at lineman positions and the little guy at skill position in any amount of combinations you so choose)

3) Same question as number two, except these two players have to currently play for the same NFL team.

This debate got so intense that we agreed to put a wager on it and each create Madden teams following the criteria of the third question and play each other in a tournament. The third question generated the most debate, as it proved to be the most interesting. I'm interested to see what other people think for all three questions before I give any of the answers we came up with.
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