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Old 12-20-2004, 05:47 PM
DataMiner DataMiner is offline
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Default Re: Ax and Kx suited


I totally agree. Re-Raise with the first two, cold-call with AQs and AJs, and fold AQ to a raise unless the raiser raises way too often (say...more than 15% PF), in which case you'd re-raise. Don't cold-call three bets with any of these. And cap only with AKs. (Other than "15%," this is verbatim from SSHE -- I haven't added anything new.)

AJ, ATs, A9s limp EP

I generally didn't like limping from EP with A9s. I doubt it matters much. Just don't cold-call with it. I tried limping with AJo and raising with it. I found little difference (similar story with KQo). I tended to raise most of the time with KQs and limp only rarely. (I would only limp if the table were filled with a handful of TA-N/TA-A who kept 3-betting me.)

A8s, A7s only played from MP 1st in I raise, otherwise call.

I disagree here. I'd limp A8s from MP no matter what. I'd only raise it from the CO/button. You desperately need position to play this hand correctly on the flop and turn and to a lesser degree on the river.

A7s is too weak to play if the pot isn't multiway. The biggest difference b/w A7s and A8s? Undercards.

Under 8: 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 (six cards)
Over 8: 9, T, J, Q, K, A (six cards)

Under 7: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 (five cards)
Over 7: 8, 9, T, J, Q, K, A (seven cards)

Given a random Ax that overcalls you, you're more likely to be dominated when holding A7s. And if you're dominating PF, then you may be reverse dominated if an ace and a rag under seven hits on the flop.

N.B.: Against a tight/aggressive player, you'll only get overcalled if he's holding Axs where x is 9 or lower. If he has ATs (or ATo in the CO/button) through AK, he'll raise you. Against a passive player, you'll only get raised by AK and maybe AQ. In either case, you're much better off with A8s than A7s.

A6s-A2s play only in blinds, CO, BUT with 4 callers. Or if 1st in on BUT I raise with these. Maybe A5s, A6s on the CO.

I'd only raise with A6s/A5s from the CO if I know the blinds and the button are too tight. But if that's true, I'll raise with much worse than these hands. Generally, I'd blind steal from the CO with no less than A8s. If someone cold-calls with Ax, I don't want to give them better than even money to have a higher rag than I.
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