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Old 12-17-2004, 07:36 PM
soah soah is offline
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Default Re: General Question (low content)

I pretty much agree with what others have said. I'd just like to add a couple more points that haven't been addressed much:

1) How likely is it that your opponent would push here with just something like A9? It is true that you don't want to call a push if your opponent will frequently do that with a set, but if he is crazy enough to push with hands that are WAY behind, it helps negate the times that he is way ahead.

2) Do you have the ten of hearts? This should not be what you base your decision on, but this card helps your equity in almost all instances. It removes one out from flush draws, and also gives you a backdoor draw against sets or overpairs with no heart. Off the top of my head I would estimate that you'd gain about 5% equity by holding this card. It's not a lot, but it helps.

And of course, this depends a lot on how much his final raise is. If you raise to $30 and he goes all-in for $60, I'm calling nearly all of the time, not only because I'm getting good pot odds, but also because with a shorter stack he is more likely to be pushing with marginal hands. If you raise to $30 and he goes all-in for $150, then you have a much more difficult decision.
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