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Old 12-16-2004, 02:12 PM
UMTerp UMTerp is offline
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Posts: 26
Default Questions about multitabling

How many tables do you play? And for those that vary in this regard, exactly how much does it affect your ROI?

Lately, I've been 8-tabling the Turbos at Stars - usually a mix of about 6 $27's and two $55's, sometime four and four if I'm feeling really mentally sharp. It's exhausting though. I can't go for more than six hours at a time. Also, I'll usually finish up my whole "octet" before starting a new one, so I can take a 10 or 15-minute break if I need it. Each one gererally lasts about 45 minutes. I'm haven't decided if it's worthwhile to take a few breaks, or if I am giving up too much (hourly) by not starting a new SNG as soon as I bust out of one of my eight. Occasionally, I will start up a new one if I lose one of the eight in the first level or two, but I just consider that as part of the same group. The only time I really feel overwhelmed is if I'm 4-handed or less at five or more tables at the same time, which is not all the infrequent. I have a feeling I'm slowing up play a little bit when I get to that point, because it's really rapid-fire on the screen.

Also, do you stagger your starts? I don't because I like the option of a "break" occasionally.

FWIW, thru about 1,200 SNGs over the past month, I'm carrying about a 25% in the $16's, 22% in the $27's, and 18% in the $60's. About a 500-500-200 breakdown, but most of the $16's came early when I was building bankroll.

Just looking for the optimal multitabling strategies, actual play non-withstanding. Any opinions?

I'd imagine AleoMagus' spreadsheet will be beneficial to find out some of the optimal multitabling strategies for me, but I was planning on waiting til the new year to start using it - kind of a "fresh start" for 2005.
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