Thread: Wireless mouse?
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Old 12-16-2004, 04:40 AM
Yeknom58 Yeknom58 is offline
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Default Re: Wireless mouse?

MX700 vs MX1000

The MX700 uses a regular old LED to sense the movement while the MX1000 uses a laser. What's the difference...not a whole lot but here you go: Anyone with a regular optical mouse will tell you if you try mousing on glossy surfaces or surfaces with some texture or certain color patterns the mouse gets a big jumpy. With a laser mouse you don't have these issues. Thats about it, so unless you hate using a mouse pad on your glossy desk or you absolutely need to do gaming on your sofa chair you don't really need the laser tech in the mx1000. Both these mice use the same harware engine so they'll have virtually identical performace on a good surface. The MX### mice are super bad ass and are the best out there in terms of wireless mice. Don't buy some microsoft crap or some other BS once you try the these mice they are the best. I'm bought the several microsoft wireless mice and they all blow. I've heard they've finally incorporated the dual sensor setup the the MX mice have but I'm will to bet they did a piss poor job.
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