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Old 12-14-2004, 07:00 AM
fatherofmany fatherofmany is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 18
Default A suggestion

I don't mind TGC requesting this type of information if it will keep fraud (which we players pay for one way or another) down, but I do think it could be implemented much better and should be made apparent before it's an issue. There's no reason a player should be surprised with these requests, let alone having their funds frozen in limbo, costing them potentially more money, while they wait.

What I'd like to see is something like this...

New player signs up, confirms email, etc. When the first real money deposit is being made (before completion), the player should THEN be made aware that these documents *may* be requested when cashing out. Above and beyond, said player should be directed to a page explaining exactly what documents may be required, approved methods (ie. faxed, scanned, notarized, etc), and estimated time frames from beginning to completion. In addition, players could submit these documents in advance of their withdraw to further expedite things.

I enjoy playing on TGC and a few other Prima sites occasionally, but it's just not worth the added hassle to place large amounts of money on their network. I'll deposit a few hundred for a session to clear a bonus or see how the games are running and cash out a few days later. There's just no way I'm going to keep a signifigant portion of my roll, or even enough to play most of the games, when there's any doubt about the accessibility of my money when *I* want it.

Just my .02
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