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Old 12-07-2004, 12:07 PM
Desdia72 Desdia72 is offline
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Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 676
Default Wayfare, you must really need a hug if you think...

I read their posts in the vain hope they have grown a brain since the last time they posted...

Uncontrolled trolling on internet forums can be a really dangerous phenomenon. It seems that since every "0mG F0$$1LMan Sux0rs" post gets 20,000 views and constantly bumped by idiots, they do more harm than good to the forum. People are encouraged to say outrageous things just to get a rise out of people. The fact that they get a rise out of some very good poker players makes it worse. If you drive the good players away with this drivel, the forum dies. I don't know whether that will be the end result, but this particular forum is a breeding ground for rpg-like junk and should be more heavily moderated.

These people crave attention. Let's give it to them by whipping out the ban stick, or at least the time-ban stick. If they aren't breaking the TOS with this junk, then change the TOS to hit them back.

[/ QUOTE ]

having an opposing view to what the majority thinks does more harm than good. i bet you creamed in your Fruit Of The Looms when Greg called me Desmond Diarrhea. yet, i've never had to resort to calling him any negative name to get my point across. if you really truely read the content of my posts and get beyond what you see as unfair treatment of 2+2's favorite world champion, you'll see why Mat Sklansky said what he did. i've never insulted Greg at all, yet he's insulted me and i've been insulted by many others (who drew first blood). you only see me and my responses but never check anybody else. it's bias like that to which posters like me and zaxx speak of. we're probably the least reason why 2+2 may have a RGP feel to it.
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