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Old 12-07-2004, 10:23 AM
JimGil JimGil is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: NJ, USA
Posts: 6
Default Beginner\'s luck gone bad

I've been reading 2+2 for a few months now and have rarely posted, but I have a question.

I've been playing online for 6 months in Pokerroom and Party. When I first started - I couldn't lose - I was playing the micro limits and racked up about $300 pretty quickly. I moved up to 1-2 6 max and won about $500 shortly after. I felt I had a good understaning of the game, I hadn't read any books yet and I felt pretty confident.

Then, I read Lee Jones' WLLHE and Sklansky's HP and thought I'd be unstoppable. Well, I lost my stack plus about $400 over the last few months.

Is this typical for a begginer? I'm very patient and am only playing premium hands - and playing them aggresively.

My question is - is this a normal cycle for a poker player - to win early, give it back plus some more, and slowly build back a bankroll? Or am I just fish who got lucky early on?
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