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Old 12-06-2004, 06:51 PM
CinnamonWind CinnamonWind is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 234
Default Re: rounders vs. reality

You're not going to get any good responses on here, I'm afraid, poster. The problem is that Rounders had to try to balance drama that everyone could understand with good poker. This resulted in a great, great movie, but hardcore dork poker players (like those of us on here) pick it apart.

Instead of just enjoying it for what it was, and having a good time with the movie, people who are really serious about poker just can't let little things go when the opportunity to look intelligent by criticizing something presents itself. Asking about Rounders here is a lot like asking about one of the Star Trek movies that you loved in the midst of a sci-fi convention--there will usually be many people who have nothing better to do than criticize something they could have just enjoyed, and you'll definitely hear from them.
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