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Old 12-04-2004, 03:10 AM
Peter Wludyka Peter Wludyka is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 5
Default Re: The beauty of slowplay

the slowplay on the flop is fine. You have 38 outs to the pure nuts and still have a strong hand if the board pairs. When the board does pair its probably time to stop slowplaying and bet. Once the river ten comes it's all check and he'd prolly show down a smaller flush hoping you were drawing to a bigger one (As) When the bet does come from him it seems just wishful thinking to hope hes bluffing-- any pair beats you! To try to prevent this situation(the board double pairing or tripping up) from occurring in the first place by deviating from optimal play is a form of monday morning QBing-- LOTS of times you'll still have the pure nuts when all the cards are out and will be in a most pleasurable spot to make terrific money or bust someone. AND sometimes when the board double pairs or trips up it ruins the action of ur opp when he has you beat on the turn(full house) A strong player knows with utmost confidence(not merely hopes)that these opportunities will repeat over and over. He will get the money especially at NL
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