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Old 12-04-2004, 02:37 AM
MicroBob MicroBob is offline
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Default Re: True viability of multi-tabling?

This is kind of a silly thread that turned out to be a worthwhile read (well....what I read of it anyway).

1. I didn't know about the 'populate' aspect of game-time window (I just downloaded the latest patch maybe this wasn't a feature before). I was always entering the players in manually and it was a REAL PAIN IN THE ASS (when I bothered to get around to it).
This alone made this thread worthwhile.

2. jwombles seems to have learned a bit from some of the posts in this discussion.
I still don't precisely understand how he says he is a losing player when multi-tabling but is also making 1.5BB/100 or something.

Obviously 1.5BB/100 on 2 tables is much better than 2BB/100 on 1 table.

3. I saw a reference to 'genius' regarding 6-8 tablers in one of the posts. It's true you have to be a better than average player of course....and you have to be fairly sharp. I know people who are just flat-out astounded to see me 2-table and can't understand how I can read the boards on both tables so fast.
But I hardly think the word 'genius' should apply to 6-8 tablers.
I don't think many of us really consider ourselves 'geniuses' just because we can play 6-8 tables (obviously astro is excepted here as he is well aware of his own true 'genius').

I prefer 4-6 tables....and will occassionally do 8. but when I do 8 I actually have to think which includes turning off the TV, not surfing 2+2, etc.

As I write this post I am playing on 4-tables on my 'other' monitor.
I don't say this to brag....I say it because for some it just isn't THAT difficult.
On one of my tables I have a couple of goof-balls with VPIP-40ish and PFR from 10-17.
There's another guy with more reasonable number but I have a note on him that he has previously re-raised (non-blind steal) with K4o so I'm kind of watching him too.
Another guy is VPIP-20, PFR-3 (so I know his raises likely represent group-1 hands....or close to that anyway) while the guy to his left is VPIP-28, PFR-20.

Anyway....with all the stats I have on these guys (and some of my own personal notes as well) I think I have reasonable reads on my opponents (if I can finally get something other than 62o).

I'm just playing 4 full-tables right now (one of them is a NL tourney so I have to keep that straight of course).

I know of at least one player (and suspect there are a few others) who not only play 8-tables....but do so on the 10/20 6-max tables (where decisions come MUCH faster).
The player I'm thinking of is
This is beyond my capabilities right now....but if I really focused on it and improved my 6-max game I suspect I COULD do it if I really wanted to. But it would still strain my capabilities and this is the level where I would DEFINITELY be making mistakes (like timing-out on some tables....not seeing that the board paired-up, etc). the original poster.
It sounded like you were thinking of going back to playing 3 tables to see how well you could do at it again.

You should really try just playing 2-tables for awhile first.
There's no reason to jump from 1 to 3 tables.

If/when you get to a point where 2-tables becomes kind of 'routine' and you are really comfortable with it....THEN think about adding in that 3rd table and grow from there.
Before you know it you might be 12-tabling at 6-max with the best of them.

Anyway, thanks for the tip on the game-time window everybody.
It rocks!!!

And I'm glad this turned out to be not as silly a thread as I initially thought it was going to be.
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