Thread: Bonds asterisk
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Old 12-03-2004, 04:41 PM
NoChance NoChance is offline
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Default Re: Bonds asterisk

Personally, I say there shouldnt' be an asterisk - his name should not be in the record books or on any Major League lineup card at all ever again*. This is on the same scale as Pete Rose in my opinion.

* if it is proven that he has used steroids

[/ QUOTE ]

If you want to go this route, then you may as well erase the entire history of MLB and start over. It has been estimated by some that 40-50% of the players have used steroids. That means NONE of the statistics can be valid because who knows if maybe half the pitchers you faced we using??? Or maybe half the batters some of the pitchers were facing were using??? Or maybe some people made some incredible defensive plays because they were using and took base hits against some people more often.

May as well erase history.
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