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Old 12-02-2004, 01:59 PM
J LU J LU is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 84
Default Re: Why I play poker

I'm currently what I like to call "between successes" - others might call it unemployed. Unfortunatly, my poker skills aren't at the I can make a good living at this yet, but I have recently graduated to the I can suppliment my income calaber.

The reason I bring this up, I was recently a finalist (1 of 2) for a sales position that I was more than qualified and interested in. While meeting with the company president, he asked me a question that I wasn't entirely prepared for - "What are the last three books that I've read?" Of course the first book to come to mind was SSH. So I told him SSH and two other books that I felt would show some depth to my personality, a novel and a sales book. Well my read on this guy was sooo off. As soon as I told him I played poker, I could tell that the interview had taken the wrong turn.

Although the recruiter had informed me that I was their 1st choice going into the interview, the other candidate was offered the position.
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