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Old 11-30-2004, 07:11 PM
Exsubmariner Exsubmariner is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Posts: 71
Default Re: Becoming a professional player

I just don't understand how people with talent have this innate tendency to f&#@ up eveything they have going for them. It breaks my heart. You are looking into the abyss, boy. You will either get mad and the survival instinct will kick in or your going to end up dead. If not dead, then being in pain for a long slow decline. Just another story about what could have been. Here's a tip, take your head out of your a$$ and get your life str8! The world doesn't need more victims. It has enough. There is no nobility in victimhood. At the very least, stop pissing me off by trying to share your sorrows. I have struggled and struggled with my life to come out ahead in many less than equitable situations. I have found it got easier if I didn't create needless drama for myself by acting stupid. Just because you are talented at one thing or another doesn't mean you have the right to be a total a$$head in all other areas of your existance. There are winners out there who can succeed in poker or anything else they put their minds to. They do it through hard work and perserverence. Go forth and do likewise.
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