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Old 11-27-2004, 11:59 AM
Luv2DriveTT Luv2DriveTT is offline
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Default First psychology post -

I play semi-regularly in the 4/8 game at PS in NYC. It’s mostly filled with sad sacks who come to play with a smile on their face, but sorrow in their hearts. They come to play to loose or to laugh... all have different reasons, but in general they are mostly horrible players at this level. The common thing I hear from each of them is "I should be playing the 10/20 game; I never get sucked out in that game!". There are two personalities in particular that I wish to discuss:

1) B is a dealer at PS, and is known to be the table donator by everyone at PS (and those NY'ers who frequent the B&M forum at 2+2). Bobby's motto is to raise any two cards... and I'm not kidding. He sees 80% of all flops, and raises over 50% of them regardless of position (but he likes UTG, Button, and the blinds the best). As I am often the only tight-aggressive player at the table (regularly 7 to the flop) B often winks at me when he thinks that I have caught him playing bad pre-flop hands again. B regularly announces his hands to put people off their cards if possible, and he is beginning to get annoyed that I do not share any information about my holdings to the table. I think he believes his wild & looses style is offset by his ability to "read" players... which I highly doubt is accurate. Last night I was UTG with KQs, therefore I open raised. Everyone called 2 cold around to B who 3-bet. My read on B was that he 3-bet out of spite that I raised his small blind. (Remember... any two cards he will raise). All fold back to me, and I cap. The remaining players all call. The flop was AQx. B bets, I raise, all fold back to B who folds. As I am about to muck my cards when B announces "it’s about time you show me your pocket queens". Since he had previously expressed frustration that I was not acting like the rest of the table by discussing my holdings I chose to announce that I would show him one card... the Queen. I did this to keep the spirit of the table the same, and to assure B will continue to provide me with useful information. Was this a wise decision to make?

2) F is a retired actor. He won't shut up, he is always talking and loves to touch my arm (in a very creepy weird way I might add). He seems to be a very lonely guy, I think he plays poker to make friends. Last night alone he asked me 3 times to hang out with him, and has commented numerous times about how good looking I am (he might be gay, but that doesn't bother me). Freddy is always flashing me his cards because he thinks I am his "buddy", and loves to discuss the poor play of the others at the table with me. I of course only nod and make him feel comfortable, I actually do not engage in any active conversation about the table with F, but he is so engrossed with the conversation that he never knows. F and I finally went heads up for the first time that I recall since he introduced himself, and it was a big pot that he folded on the river. He leaned over to me after I mucked my cards and said "be a pal will ya, what did you have". F's smile turned into a frown after I jokingly said I don't give any information away for free. F summarily picked up and left 15 mins later, a broken man. What could I have said to make him happy, without letting him know he was just outplayed? F was a significant looser who likes to announce (with the wrong odds of course) that he is praying for a gutshot, how could I have kept the gutshot king happy?

TT [img]/images/graemlins/club.gif[/img]
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