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Old 11-26-2004, 10:37 AM
hustalasta hustalasta is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 47
Default Re: follow up questions---help please

1) No. The weakest link determines your max resolution. Whichever device (Monitor or Video Card) has the smallest Max Resolution sets the limit for your max resolution.
2) Maybe. First determine what is the max resolution your video card supports. Have you tried running two tables on a 1280x1024 screen? It does work but there is some overlap, not sure how this would affect the gametime+ window if you use that feature in pokertracker.
3) Lets just start price. I recently went through a similar process. What I found is for a 21" LCD the price tag was well over $1000, Samsung had a 20.3" with max res of 1600x1200 selling at $1000 + $100 rebate a few weeks back. I personally went with a 21" CRT monitor, half the price but takes up a lot of deskspace, which I have an abundance of so no worries for me.
4) well if you dont like the price tag of the 21" LCD's you may decide to go with two smaller LCD's which would then require a dual head video card (ie. dual output).
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