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Old 11-24-2004, 05:00 AM
Danenania Danenania is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Upstate New York
Posts: 13
Default Re: The Big Lebowski

I think in many ways this film is bigger than itself. People always seem to have more fun reciting the lines than actually watching the movie again--better in memory than on the screen. I think this is because the essence is not plot or moral message, its a mindset, an outlook. And while this mindset is not 100% revealed in the process of viewing (especially not one viewing), there is something of a spark. Then as you continue through life in the postmodern haze (in the parliance of our times) you just can't help but realize how appropriate this mindset feels, how each one liner seems to perfectly fit some everyday situation. Then before much longer passes you suddenly realize that you have evolved into a full fledged Dude, doing crazy things like saying "man" a lot and playing poker for money. And where can you trace it all back to? Who do you have to thank? That's right. The Dude. El Duderino (for those not into the whole brevity thing). His Royal Dudeness. The Big Lebowski.
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