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Old 11-23-2004, 01:36 AM
Clarkmeister Clarkmeister is offline
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Default Re: Artest gone for year, other suspensions absurdly long

"Are you saying that a fan cannot be removed for exhibiting this behavior?"

I'm saying they are not. At least not very often. Unless they are rooting against the home team, that is.

"If there are repercussions such as criminal charges and subsequent prosecutions as well as action taken by the Pistons organization what will you say then? Methinks your being at least slightly impatient and jumping to conclusions. "

C'mon. You know that's not going to happen. As has been mentioned countless times, those two who premeditatedly attacked Tom Gamboa in Chicago last year didn't even do jail time.

There are no real repercussions for the fans, except the reward of knowing that they helped their team out by taking actions that ultimately led to the crippling of their rival's chances and dramatically improved their favorite team's chances of winning a NBA title.
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