Thread: S&G Realization
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Old 11-22-2004, 01:43 PM
DalaiLama DalaiLama is offline
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Default S&G Realization

I've played s&gs for 2 years now working my way up to the 200s. A post in the "Best 215 players" thread last week said, "the best s&g players in the world play the party 215s". This really caught my attention as none of the more experienced players (gigabet, daliman, etc...) disputed the claim. A recent bad run got me thinking... Why go through the many physcological hurdles that accompany the 215s (swings, stress, etc.) if you could do better elsewhere. What I'm getting at is the following. Lets say I can four table 215s for an ROI of 10%, six table 109s for an ROI of 20%, and eight table 55s for an ROI of 35%. That suggests hourly profits of 107.50, 163.50, and 192.50 respectivley, given 1.25 tables/hour. I set it up this way because I can't 6 table 215s or 8 table 215s without incurring severe diminshing returns. Lets say I can 8 table 215s at an ROI of 6%, that equates to 129/hour which is still less than the 55s scenario. From here forward you can find me on the 55s playing highly profitable poker less the heavy swings and physcological stress. Each players ROIs and table variables differ, but run the numbers and see where you stand. The force working against logic, atleast for me, is the feel good intagible of playing at the highest tables and the gamblers mentality of "just one more good run and I'll drop back some". Thoughts?
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