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Old 11-20-2004, 03:54 PM
tree_stump tree_stump is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 69
Default Re: Garbage hands with great implied odds?

Two points...

1. The post had nothing to do about a bad beat. It was about the theory behind playing crap hands if you have high implied odds... For instance, does A3s become a "better" hand if you're 6 to the flop?

2. Ever think that people are asking for help, and not just for some as*hole to say "shi*ty play"? Against a Kxx board, or a KQx board, hell no I'm not going to push. But with a PFR, I expect people to have aces, kings, queens or small pairs much more frequently than a crappy jack... And last I checked, a pair beats ace high, right?

Instead of being an ass because I'm trying to explain my rationale, be constructive and explain WHY my rationale is flawed. And give me solid theory, not just, "well NL25 is fishy, you should know better."
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