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Old 11-19-2004, 03:35 PM
junkmail3 junkmail3 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Philadelphia
Posts: 249
Default Re: Party has gone WAY too far!!

Who cares?

"Sensitive information?"

Here's a good scenario for you:
Party wakes up one morning and brushes it's teeth. It comes over to your IP and knocks on the door. Someones' home, but not watching. They take your username/password to your bank account. They transfer all of the money into their account and by a breakfast bagel with it. Mmmm, that was tasty. They buy another.

They do this the next day, because, hey, breakfast bagels (with bacon) are tasty in deed.

About one month later, party has gained a little weight, and someone notices. party gets caught/gets shut down.

They just lost $700 million/year. and all of this for $1000 extra/day.

I'm going to protect all of my 'sensitive information' from party right now!
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