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Old 11-18-2004, 05:28 AM
kalooki45 kalooki45 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
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Posts: 255
Default Re: how do you guys/girls study?

It's different for everyone, because we all have different learning styles.
There are four basic types of learner-
1. Visual (tend to remember something they see)
these people do well when they make charts, have lists of notes, etc.
2. Aural (remember what they hear)
this type should remember 'catch phrases' about certain situations--they need to 'boil down' what they read into mottoes and mnemonics
3. Hands On (need direct experience)
these folks learn by playing mostly--and from their mistakes. they need to read for concepts, then go out and 'play them in'.
4. Abstract (the 'ideal' student)
this is the academic type. they can translate what they read into concrete concepts, and apply them without too much fuss.

Most of us are a combination of these qualities...but it helps if you think about other things you've learned and can remember what helped you the most--then use that method when studying.
I'm an abstract/visual type---so I like making little charts and things...the construction of charts and lists helps me solidify the info, and I tend to remember the chart. Others are different!
As a side note--this is the real art of teaching. You have to come up with a style that ALL learners can use-- that incorporates all the elements--otherwise, you're only reaching 25% of your class!
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