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Old 11-11-2004, 05:36 PM
GrannyMae GrannyMae is offline
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Default Re: How Do You Like the Zoo without Affiliate Crap???

Firstly i'm not an affiliate anymore so this isn't spam.

why? care to tell us?

Removing it just makes people less aware and means everyone misses out on money

removing what???? it was NEVER allowed. do you know that mason david and ray can get in trouble for running a site where bartering kickbacks is allowed? should all of 2+2 be put in jeopardy because certain people were too fuking cheap to buy banners? should 2+2 endanger their current revenue by allowing this and having paid advertisers get so pissed that they pull out? who will pay for the bandwidth then? do you know how much i personally pay them a month? almost $800 and i am a tiny tadpole in their revenue stream. if this tadpole pulls out, they lose $9,600.00 a year. what did you do for this place just to make up for the 10 grand they would have lost from me??

most importantly, do you think even a single person missed out a rebate payment just because mat put his foot down? i think not. rake rebates are alive and well, they just are not going to be procured at 2+2.

don't paint such a doom and gloom picture, because your issues were always self serving anyway. don't try and pretend that the poker community is now screwed because the zoo does not have 50 "need an affiliate" posts every hour.
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