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Old 11-09-2004, 01:36 AM
Felix_Nietsche Felix_Nietsche is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
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Default Two Reasons:

Assuming your defintions are:
Conservative = Wanting less govt involvment
Liberal = Wanting more govt involvement

1. Most liberals are ashamed to be liberals so they call themselves 'moderates', 'independents', or 'progressives'. Conservatives are proud to proclaim there conservatism, except when "peaceful" liberals are shooting up Bush/Cheney offices and beating up Bush/Cheney staffers. Then conservatives run for their lives...

2. Liberalism took a HUGE hit with LBJ's failed war on poverty and the death spiral accelerated with Jimmy Carter.

Speaking of Jimmy Carter, I grew up with him as president and he was by far the WORST US president in history. I'd rather have 20 years of John Kerry, than one more year of Carter..
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