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Old 11-07-2004, 06:28 AM
Mason Malmuth Mason Malmuth is offline
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Default Re: My name is Dubya and I\'ll be yer Chef for the next 4 years

Hi Cyrus:

You wrote:

Give me the best player in the world to face if he's gonna adopt one and the same tactic throughout our game

[/ QUOTE ]

Now I haven't read most of this thread, but your statement is clearly wrong for most poker games, especially today. That's because typical players are just not aware enough for the best player in the world to change his strategy much against them.

Now let's carry this over to world affairs. Now I'm not an expert here, but the same thing is often the case, especially in warfair.

A very good example was what was known as The Tokyo Express in WWII. This had something to do with the fighting around Guadal Canal and it referred to how the Japanese would try to resupply their troops late at night always at the same time.

Now how true this is in the world right now, I can't say for sure. But I suspect that if GWB (and who knows, he just might be the GWB that posts here) happens to have the right strategy, he won't need to change it much over the next four years.

Best wishes,
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